Cooperative Africana Materials Project
Cooperative Africana Materials ProjectHolding summary: Apr. 18, 1961-June 1974Begin year: 1961End year: 1974Positive film holding detail: MF-2699 CAMP (reels 1-6) [Apr. 18, 1961-Dec. 27, 1968]; MF-7851 CAMP (reel 1) [Dec. 27, 1969/Jan. 2, 1970-Dec. 26, 1970/Jan. 1, 1971]; MF-2699 CAMP (reel 7) [Jan. 9/15-Dec. 28, 1971]; MF-7851 CAMP (reels 2-3) 1972-June 30, 1974]Positive film holding local ID: MultiFilm source: DLCCurrently received: NOIll available: YES
University of California at Los Angeles
University of California at Los AngelesBegin year: 1111End year: 9999Currently received: YESRetention status: paper only, retained indefinitelyIll available: See Lending Policy
Holding summary: [1961:Apr. 16 - 2001: Jan]Begin year: 1961End year: 9999Hardcopy holding: 1961: Apr.-June; 1962: Sep. 13 (Only); [1967: Jan.-Apr.]; [1967: May-Aug.]; [Sep. 1967-Jan. 1968] ; [Oct. 1968-Jan. 1969]; 1971: July 29-Dec. 28; [1972: Jan.-Dec.]; [1973: Jan.-Nov.]; [1979: Jan.-Mar.]; 1979: April-June; [1979: July 1-Sep.30]; [1979: Oct-Dec.]; 1980: Jan.-Mar.; [1980: April-June]; [1980: July-Oct.] and 1981: Dec. 14, 16, 18; 1984: June 2-Aug. 30; [1984: Sep.1-Dec. 29]; 1985: Jan.-June; 1985: July-Dec.; 1986: Jan.-April; 1986: May-Aug.; 1986: Sep.-Dec.; 1987: Jan.-Dec.; 1988: Jan., Mar.-Sep.; 1992: Sep. 28- Dec. 27; 1993: Jan.-June; 1993: July-Dec.; 1994: Jan.-June; 1994: Feb.-Sep. ; 1994: Oct.-Dec.; 1995: Jan.-June; 1995: Sep. 2-Dec. 29; 1996: Jan. 1-June 28; [1996: July 1-Dec. 30]; 1996: Sep. 11-Oct. 31;
Northwestern University
Northwestern UniversityHolding summary: [Apr. 18, 1961-Mar. 31, 1984]Begin year: 1961End year: 1984Hardcopy holding: (Sept.28, 1992- )Film source: DLCCurrently received: NOIll available: See Lending Policy
Yale University
Yale UniversityHolding summary: [1961-1974]Begin year: 1961End year: 1974Positive film holding detail: 1961-1968; 1971-1974Currently received: NOIll available: See Lending Policy
Indiana University, Bloomington
Indiana University, BloomingtonHolding summary: [1976-1977, 1991-2000]Begin year: 1976End year: 2000Hardcopy holding: [1976-1977, 1991-2000]Hardcopy holding local ID: DT543.A2 H6 no.2254-5309Currently received: NOIll available: See Lending Policy