Bulletin officiel de l'Indochine francaise

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 08/15/2019 - 10:08
Saigon (pub. [1887]-?)
Archiving institutions and holding detail:
Center for Research Libraries (Chicago, IL)
Center for Research Libraries (Chicago, IL)
  • FOG HC 1889-1905; 1907-1908; July, 1909- June, 1910; 1911; July-Dec., 1912; July, 1913-June, 1914; 1915-1923; July-Dec., 1924; July, 1925-1926; 1928-June, 1930; Oct., 1930-1931
Association pour la Conservation et la Reproduction Photographique de la Presse (mf) 1887-1902, 1904-1905, 1911
French Indochina (French Protectorate)--Politics and government--Periodicals
French Indochina (French Protectorate)--Official gazette
Foreign official gazettes
Cambodia (French Protectorate)--Official gazette
Annam and Tonkin (French Protectorate)--Official gazette
Annam (French Protectorate)--Official gazette
Tonkin (French Protectorate)--Official gazette
Cochin China (French Protectorate)--Official gazette
Vietnam--Official gazette
Vietnam (People's Republic, 1954-)--Official gazette
Vietnam (Republic, 1954-1975)--Official gazette
Southeast Asia
issued in 2 parts, 1889-1901: Part 1: Cochinchine et Cambodge (Saigon): Bulletin officiel du Cambodge, pre 1889 separately published title, 1902+ as Bulletin administratif de Cambodge; Part 2: Annam et Tonkin (Hanoi): Bulletin officiel du Protectorate de l'Annam et du Tonkin, pre 1889 separately published title, 1902+ as Bulletin administratif de l'Annam and Bulletin administratif du Tonkin; merged in 1902 and issued as one (Hanoi)
/c 1889, 1900-1901, 1908, 1910-1912, 1914